Sunday, December 16, 2012

Lemon citronella oil citronella essential oil


Botanical Name: Cymbopogon nardus
Plant Description: This is a grass that is noted for its resilience and is native to India. It is a strongly aromatic perennial plant that can grow up to 1 meter (3 feet) in height.
Origin: india
Extraction Method: Steam distillation of the leaves.
Color: It is a yellow brown
Consistency: Thin
Note: Top
Aromatic Fragrance: Medium. It has a scent that although lemony, is softer than actual lemon, and is considered to be a rounded lemon citrus scent. There are also other wood tones that are quite subtle. 
Common Applications: It is used as a stimulant, insecticide, deodorant, antiseptic, parasitic and a tonic. It is usually associated with its insecticide and insect repellent properties. There are many commercial insect repellent products that contain Citronella Ceylon. It is usually used in combination with Cedarwood in order to create a pleasant smelling insect repellent that is also natural. It is also used in candles, soaps and in massage applications. This particular oil can help to alleviate minor infections but is more known for its ability to combat the flu and colds. Citronella is also effective for excessive perspiration and to condition oily hair and skin.